To specify how much warning you want before shutdown, type the number of minutes in this box. Your computer will warn you before it shuts down. If you do not want to be warned, click this box to remove the X. To see a warning before shutdown, click this box to put an X in it. Prevents shutdown when a sound is playing. To allow shutdown, click this box to remove the X. To prevent shutdown when a sound is playing, click this box to put an X in it. Prevents shutdown when the busy cursor (the watch) is on the screen. To allow shutdown, click this box to remove the X. To prevent shutdown when the busy cursor (the watch) is on the screen, click this box to put an X in it. Prevents shutdown when your computer is using a printer or modem. To allow shutdown, click this box to remove the X. To prevent shutdown when your computer is using a printer or modem, click this box to put an X in it. Prevents shutdown when your computer is connected to a shared disk. To allow shutdown, click this box to remove the X. To prevent shutdown when your computer is connected to a shared disk, click this box to put an X in it. To use the default shutdown options, click this button. To close this window without applying any changes, click this button. To apply the idle shutdown options you selected, click this button.